We're using AI to solve the biggest gaps in medical coding.

Learn how you can leverage GaleAI to maximize efficiencies in your medical coding process and leverage a constantly evolving, network-driven AI tool trained and refined around hundreds of thousands of real medical notes.

How it works

Securely automate your coding process with GaleAI

Our Artificially intelligent medical coding platform is fully integrable into existing processes. With our platform, you can leverage the power of a deeply trained, constantly evolving AI with ease.

Upload notes

Batch upload, copy and paste, or integrate directly with your EMR/EHR.

GaleAI processes

Your notes are de-identified (PHI-safe) before being processed by GaleAI's NLP engine

Results in seconds

We built GaleAI to be fast and efficient, so it won't disrupt your workflow.

Who is it for?

Works for any practice, any size.

Ditch the manual coding and let our network-driven, deeply trained AI realize efficiencies to drive higher revenue, lower errors, and drive higher revenue and lower errors.

Explore solutions

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Easy to use
Avoid under-coding
Automated revenue calculation


Bulk discounts
EHR integration


Custom API integration
EHR integration

GaleAI easily benefits any practice of any size.



Revenue uplift due to more accurate code identification
Centralized access to data meaning centralized decision making


Maximize revenue capture on walk-ins and revenue uplift
Revenue uplift due to more accurate code identification
Improved security and compliance
Less time spent on administrative tasks


Provides unique technology as a value proposition
Streamlined EHR integration
Improved efficiency due to streamlined workflows

Why GaleAI?

Our Artificially intelligent medical coding platform is fully integrable into existing processes.

AI solves for all the problems. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectitur. AI solves for all the problems. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectitur.

Uses a variety of Machine Learning and Natural Language processing methods to optimize efficiency

Learns with every interaction

High accuracy with minimal note exposure

Community feedback drives innovation and development.

Performs coding in seconds as compared to weeks or months by eliminating the timely, costly step of sending notes to human coders

Allows clinicians to aggregate and standardize coding practices

"GaleAI has really streamlined my coding."
Gregory Catlett, MD
Orthopedic Joint Surgeon
"GaleAI has drastically cut down on my time spent coding."
Matt Koepplinger, DO
Orthopedic Hand Surgeon
"I can't believe how quickly GaleAI learns my coding habits."
Edward Birdsong, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon